Our Team

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Operation Ear Drop comprises of a board of volunteer local professionals working with volunteer Dutch and Kenyan ENT surgeons, Audiologists and trainers of teachers for the deaf to provide hearing health services to the less privileged in our society. OED has been and continues to carry out activities in the following areas of hearing health

Operation Ear Drop 

Be part of our team

Volunteer with us

The OEDK partnership model is pegged on the spirit of volunteerism, which has driven the success of the organization in Kenya in providing specialized healthcare. OEDK partners give in kind support (equipment and skills), therefore building a wave of newly trained doctors every year with the capacity to provide ear and hearing care. All the doctor’s and clinicians, who work under the umbrella of OED-K are all volunteers. These men and women, donate their time and expertise to deliver free ear surgery to children by driving national outreach medical camps, as well as capacity building workshop for medics focused on ear health in different parts of Kenya.

Surgical Programmes

Ear Screening programmes

Hearing Programmes